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Your Essential Estate Planning Documents to Gain Peace of Mind (Part 1)

We know that planning for your family’s future, for after you are gone, may feel daunting on many levels. The reality is, your ...
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The Importance of a Fiduciary: What You Need to Know

When it comes to protecting your assets or ensuring your wishes are carried out when you are incapable of communicating them, you ...
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What Is the Intent Of The Settlor When It Comes To Discretionary Language Within Their Trust?

Every family has their own unique make-up and no two are alike – each member of a family has their own separate distinctions and ...
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In The Blink of An Eye…Life Changes

It is far too often that the first meeting we have with a family is after an unexpected tragedy. As we all know, life can change ...
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The Bucket Theory: Managing Freshman Year of College

The first year of college is often a child's first step into the adult world. With that step comes fun and freedom, but also a ...
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Managing the Impact of Wealth for Future Generations

Many families worry what the impact of wealth will have on their children and how and when to communicate about wealth. Each ...
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Estate Planning: Don’t Overlook Asset Titling

Planning for dying is never easy, and it can be an especially difficult task for those with large families and/or significant ...
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Raising Financially Independent Children

The modern world can be an incredibly tough place to raise financially responsible children. Today's kids live lives marked by ...
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How Much Is Enough to Leave Your Children - Marriage / First Home / First Business

For parents, there is no greater concern than protecting the health and happiness of their children. However, it can be hard to ...
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