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Advocating for Life: Designating an Elder Care Coordinator

When it comes to making decisions for an elderly loved one, experience, time, and emotions can get in the way. For many families, ...
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The Difference Between a 401(k) and 403(b) Qualified Retirement Plan

If you or your spouse have a career in education, you probably have been contributing to a 403(b) account, but do you know ...
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How to Plan Your Retirement Withdrawal Strategy

You’ve worked hard and invested wisely, and now you’re ready to retire. Congratulations! But do you have a plan for withdrawal? ...
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Employer: Is Your 401(k) Putting You at Risk?

This week, the Supreme Court decided a case that should put all employers on alert in regards to their responsibilities as plan ...
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Liable for Your Company's 401k Plan and You Don't Even Know It?

A 401k plan is a tax-qualified, defined contribution pension plan. For every qualified 401k plan, a fiduciary(s) must be named ...
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Savers Reap the Rewards of Their Retirement Thrift Early

For employees that contribute to retirement plans, they already know the long-term tax advantages of a 401(k) type of plan. Taxes ...
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Caldwell Trust has significant fee reductions for retirement benefit plans

Caldwell Trust Company has significantly reduced the investment fee for our retirement plans that we manage as plan trustee. The ...
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Retirement: How Can I Make Sure I Don’t Outlive My Money?

Last month, Bank of America released a report regarding how Americans think about money. One of the more interesting statistics ...
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Investors May Now Benefit from the Power of Compound Earnings

A dubious urban legend says that Albert Einstein named compound interest as the most powerful force in the universe. Another ...
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