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What is a Charitable Trust?

Charitable giving is a great way to support a specific cause or organization and it can be important for financial planning, ...
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Asset Management Vs. Wealth Management: Which is Right for you?

There are various ways that individuals can begin to manage their money better. Two financial services that are offered today are ...
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IRA vs. 401(k): What are the Key Differences?

Though many are familiar with both, most don't realize the smaller differences between using a 401(k) and an IRA, especially when ...
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What is a Beneficiary and Who Should You List as Yours?

Sitting down to write your last will and testament is a complicated and emotionally involved process. What do you do with the ...
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The Difference Between Wills and Trusts

Planning for the distribution of your assets after death can be a valuable gift to your loved ones and it can give you ...
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Why Sarasota is the Best Place for You to Retire

If you are like most people in the prime of their lives, you're starting the process of thinking about your retirement now. It's ...
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How to Make the Most Out of Your 401(k) Throughout Life

One of the best ways to create a comfortable and enjoyable retirement for yourself is to start saving money early in your life. ...
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How to Calculate the True Cost of College

If you’ve started preparing for your kids to attend college, you’ll quickly find the costs are no laughing matter as you plan ...
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When is the Right Time to Start Investing Your Money?

Investing your money wisely is a key step towards becoming financially independent because you are always contributing to your ...
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