When Roland G. Caldwell established Caldwell & Company in the 1970s, he may not yet have foreseen its successor, Caldwell Trust Company, which was founded in 1993. He most likely never envisioned the mature business it has become today—but he knew what a trust company should be and the high standards required of everyone involved. He formalized his philosophy in a document titled “What We Believe.”
These words, the founding principles of Caldwell Trust Company, are now etched on a bronze sculpture and affixed to the wall at the entrance to Caldwell’s headquarters in Venice. Here visitors quickly learn of the company’s high standards and staff members are inspired every day.
When planning the new headquarters, which were completed in November 2014, the sculpture was one of the first items on the list of Roland’s son, R. G. “Kelly” Caldwell Jr., CEO and president of Caldwell Trust Company. “There was never any doubt that Dad’s words would be displayed prominently,” he said. “They are why we are here. Everyone on our staff follows these standards. We would offer our clients no less.”
The unique, custom-made bronze sculpture, 30 inches high and 24 inches wide, is finished with a weatherproof coating to withstand the elements. Roland’s image appears prominently above the words “In Honor of our Founder Roland G. Caldwell.” His philosophy, “What We Believe,” is just beneath.
The sculpture is the first thing people see when visiting Caldwell’s headquarters. “We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Kelly Caldwell says. “We’ve enjoyed continued success by remaining true to ‘What We Believe.’ We’re delighted to share our commitment with everyone who enters our building.”