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Caldwell Trust Company Hosts Non-Profit Organizations

by Caldwell Trust

Screen_Shot_2015-09-02_at_1.23.44_PMGiving back to the community that we live, work and play in has always been something that is important to everyone here at Caldwell Trust Company.  In addition to the financial support the company provides, and the personal time and effort many on the Caldwell team contribute to non-profit boards, committees and organizations; Caldwell offers the use of our board room and conference room space in both offices to area non-profit companies our team is involved with. It's just another way we like to give back!

Some of the area non-profits we support who have hosted events and meetings at our new headquarters in Venice:

Our new headquarters board room is equipped with video projection screens, a podium, an attached catering kitchen and more.  We use this board room for our internal meetings, guest speakers and special events. We hope you enjoy our new video showcasing our new headquarters and hopefully learned something new about Caldwell Trust Company!

Please view our short video tour of our Venice, Florida office.

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