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Caldwell Trust has significant fee reductions for retirement benefit plans

by Caldwell Trust

John_Retirement_PlanCaldwell Trust Company has significantly reduced the investment fee for our  retirement plans that we manage as plan trustee. The savings result from a decision by Vanguard, one of our providers, to move investors in many of its funds from the Investor share class to the Admiral share class, which operates at much lower costs.

Caldwell’s menu of mutual funds in our retirement services business includes a number of funds in Vanguard’s Investor share class. We have agreed to convert these to the Admiral class on behalf of our 401k and 403b clients, in keeping with our commitment to ensure that our retirement plan participants receive the highest quality of choices at the lowest cost. The savings go back into our clients’ portfolios, enhancing returns and performance.

A constant struggle facing plan sponsors (CEO's, CFO's, Owner's) is that they may not be aware of the overall fees associated with their plans. We strongly encourage plan sponsors to do a review of their plan to ensure the fees are reasonable. If interested, Caldwell Trust Company always offers a complimentary plan review to help the decision maker.

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