Caldwell Trust Company – Building Wealth and Preserving Legacy Blog

Your Local Sarasota Trust Company

Written by Caldwell Trust | Mar 5, 2015

The Caldwell Trust Company Operations Department handles an array of backroom tasks, including stock/bond/mutual fund trading, cash management, asset management, paying client bills and handling account receivables…just to name a few.  Our operations department is extremely self sufficient, in that the majority of items are done through direct working relationships with our local banks, brokers and depository companies such as the Depository Trust Clearing Company (DTCC).  We have found that many companies outsource these operational tasks to big house clearing companies, which restricts the control on client assets by custodians.  We believe that by maintaining these direct working relationships, we are better able to serve our clients through Personal, Traditional and Independent means! (In photo from left to right: Ashley R. Harrison, Assistant Vice President Opeartions, Bethany N. Brandt, Operations Associate, and Linda Bair, Operations Associate and Mutual Fund Specialist.



In addition, we chose to organize ourselves as Independent Chartered Private Trustees, have purposely made provisions to stay that way, and fully intend to be around when you need us. We are so proud of our people, of what we do, and what we stand for. Our level of staff competence and trust management experience is unequalled by any other trust provider in the area. We are one of only a few trust companies in this area to have our own in-house investment staff, with over 40 years of experience, to serve clients. We have developed our own advanced in-house software systems to control costs and assure accuracy and prompt attention to client needs. We are direct members of major security depository systems to safeguard client assets in electronic form for maximum safety and prompt transfer.


We believe that you deserve the kind of quality services we strive to provide to warrant the privilege of protecting you and the financial assets of your family for generations to come.



About Caldwell Trust Company 

Caldwell Trust Company is an independent trust company with offices in Venice and Sarasota, Florida. Established in 1993, the firm currently manages over $800 million in assets for clients throughout the United States. The company offers a full range of fiduciary services to individuals, including services as trustee, custodian, investment adviser, financial manager and personal representative. Additionally, Caldwell manages 401(k) and 403(b) qualified retirement plans for employers.